Home Business CILA exec cites CDC for business ease in Clark

CILA exec cites CDC for business ease in Clark


CLARK FREEPORT— The president of the Clark Investors and Locators Association (CILA) has cited Clark Development Corporation (CDC) for making it easy for locator-firms to locate and conduct business activities inside this Freeport.

In a recent Balitaan at the Bale Balita here, CILA President Francisco ‘Frankie’ Villanueva said the CDC has made stride in making the locators happy in doing business in Clark because of the changes implemented by the state-firm for the old and new locators.

Balitaan is a weekly media forum sponsored by Capampangan in Media, Inc. (CAMI).

CDC has recently improved its systems that included the automation of import and export permits which streamlines trade facilitation among locator-firms, the Bureau of Customs and other government agencies. CDC shifted to automated processes for prompt processing of vital documents especially import and export permits.

From a yearly issuance, the state firm also extended to three years the validity of business permits of locators.

Villanueva stressed that the state firm should be commended for adopting business-friendly atmosphere in Clark, a key factor in spurring robust business developments here.

As of the first quarter of this year, there are 1,038 locator-firms in Clark, generating about 123,000 jobs that are mainly offered to local residents.

In acknowledging the various locators, CDC has recently recognized top locator-firms in revenue generation, employment, exports, tourism development, among other economic contributions during the Clark Awards Night held last April 5, 2019.


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