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Book still matters


THERE ARE so many demands that the 21st Century calls for. There had been a shift in the lifestyles of the learners, thus, it is not easy as it seems to meet the expectations and demands of digital learners.

Our learners for today are much equipped with gadgets that provide them with instant information, considering the many sites that they could click, they would be able to see pictures, videos and articles about what they are looking for.

But, amidst all the technological inventions, still, books serve as best company and a source of information.

Books would still provide the necessary information for the learners, may it be for intensive or extensive reading.

Books still matter because not all the learners could afford to have these expensive gadgets. A poor student who wishes to gain information and read books could have it for free, as their books are provided by the government or a public library.

I am not saying that technologies aren’t useful and convenient to use. But, there are some cases when in situations but like the unavailability of computers, learning could still effectively place when you have books with you.

The power of books cannot be underestimated. In fact, it still remains a fact that “Readers of today are leaders of tomorrow”.

Thus, we should still make our learners have the habit to love reading. Starting from reading for pleasure, until they learn reading to gain information.

Lastly, we teachers still need books because they serve as our weapons and bullets in terms of providing knowledge and information for our learners that we teach.

Cynthia S. Dizon
Teacher III
Mexico Elementary School
Mexico South District

(Unsolicited contributions here are unedited, unabridged, as is. Errors in grammar, syntax, etc, solely the writer’s. — Editor)


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