Home Headlines PRECAUTION VS 2019-NCOV Bishop: Communion by hand, no hand-holding for Our Father

Bishop: Communion by hand, no hand-holding for Our Father


BALANGA CITY — Bishop Ruperto Santos on Tuesday urged the faithful to minimize contact to prevent the spread of infection not only of coronavirus but other viruses as well.

“The Diocese of Balanga deems that as necessary precaution and prevention, it is highly encouraged for the time being to receive Holy Communion by hands, to temporarily forego the kissing of the bishop’s ring and the holding of hands during the ‘Our Father’ portion in the Holy Mass,” he said.

The prelate said coronavirus spread from an infected person to others through the air by coughing and sneezing, close personal contact such as touching or shaking hands, touching an object or surface with the virus on it and then touching mouth, nose or eyes.

“As of this moment, we are thankful to our Almighty God that there is no confirmed case yet of the virus in the Philippines but as precautionary measure, we have to be vigilant,” Santos said.

He said the Diocesan prayer he issued against the spread of coronavirus last Monday will be recited after post-communion prayer during Masses and it will go on until the outbreak is controlled.

“It is pastoral since we are concerned with the well-being of body and spirit,” the bishop said.


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