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Enhanced classroom management


THE SETTING of the classroom is vital in promoting learning and engagement between the teacher-student, student – student and student – teacher. Definite and organized rules, procedures, and strategies must be implemented. Teachers are not just mere agents of knowledge but managers of the classroom. This is why many of the training programs in the country involve revisiting techniques to enhance classroom management. Teaching in the public elementary level requires a tremendous effort of administering effective classroom management processes because of the diverse needs of students. The goal of classroom management that is to provide a space of conducive for learning and fair atmosphere has been a definitive in all classroom settings for it really takes maturity in teaching to master the techniques in dealing with hindrances before, during and even after teaching.

It is a matter of principle that teacher ensures that instruction is free from noise either internal or external classroom factors which should be considered because the facilities and tools in the classroom contribute to the learning objectives. Otherwise, these may cause distractions to the attention of learners. Classroom management likewise includes the hidden curriculum of maintaining cleanliness in the classroom. By this, the student’s character is developed holistically. A clean environment free from disturbances may perhaps improve interaction in the teaching-learning process. Thus, in this aspect the teacher finds ways to promote respect, camaraderie, rapport and honesty in the class that leads to smooth fl ow of discussion.

(Unsolicited contributions here are unedited, unabridged, as is. Errors in grammar, syntax, etc, solely the writer’s. — Editor)


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