City dad works to amend ordinance on road closure


    ANGELES CITY – Councilor Jesus “Jay” Sangil said yesterday he will make the necessary amendment to the city council ordinance that will restrict access to a major thoroughfare at the boundaries of Barangays Amsic and Anunas here affecting at least two big residential subdivisions.

    This developed as close to 200 residents of Plaridel 2 Subdivision in Barangay Amsic protested the impending closure of New York St., a major thoroughfare that will restrict access to their subdivision.

    Matthew Brill, president of the Plaridel 2 Subdivision Homeowners Association, Inc. (P2SHAI), said the impending closure of New York St. From 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. the following day starting April 1 would “infringe on the rights of our residents.”

    New York St. provides direct access to Plaridel 2 from Don Juico Avenue which runs parallel to Clark’s southern perimeter fence near its Friendship Gate via Villasol Subdivision.

    However, a petition from the Villasol Homeowners and Residents Association, Inc. (VHRAI) moved the city council to pass an ordinance on May 28, 2012 limiting the “ingress and egress” to Villasol Subdivision stating “there is a need to control several gates exiting in Villasol Subdivision” among which is New York St. citing “security, protection and welfare of residents and their properties” in the said subdivision.

    The VHRAI is set to implement City Ordinance No. 311, S-2012 regulating the entry and exit gates at their subdivision starting April 1 despite a January 21 petition from residents of adjacent Plaridel 2 subdivision that will restrict direct access to Plaridel via New York St. into an alternate route at 6th street which is narrow, pockmarked and circuitous.

    Meanwhile, Sangil said he will amend the said city ordinance not to close New York St. because “there is (already) an existing guard house maintained by Plaridel (P2SHAI).”

    But the city ordinance will still limit access to the back gates of Clark Avenue, California St., Colorado St., Carolina St., Dakota-Oregon streets, and Santol St.


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