Home Headlines BISHOP URGES VOTERS Choose candidates with different 3Gs

Choose candidates with different 3Gs


(Photo grabbed from ucanews)

BALANGA CITY – Bishop Ruperto Santos of the Diocese of Balanga on Monday asked electorates to make the May 13, 2019 elections different with focus not on the usual 3Gs of goons, guns and gold but on different Gs.

“We must take elections seriously and with great responsibility and should not be ruled and centered on goons, guns and gold. Let us still focus and follow these 3 Gs but this time on different Gs,” the Bataan prelate said.

He named the new 3 Gs as “God, Gospel, and Good manners.”

“First, let us consider those candidates who believe, have faith and accept God and who have fear of God in their heart, and honor God’s name and His ways,” Santos said.

The bishop said that candidates who profess their belief in God should say “no” to death penalty, summary execution and those with no contraceptive mentality.

Also, candidates to be chosen will say “no” to graft and corruption, plunder and bogus projects and ghost employees as well as “no” to fake news, he added.

“Second, our candidates must hold the Gospel, take it as their rule of life. They have to live by it, making that their life and lifestyles are compatible with the gospel messages,” Santos said.

Anyone who holds guns, anyone who uses his government ID’s, and positions as his/her license for privileges, perks and exemptions from rules and regulations are not worthy of our votes, he said.

“And lastly, let us look not on what the candidates give but on how they live. Let us not be carried by their singing or acting talents nor by their beauty nor popularity but how they relate to us. It should be by their good manners,” the bishop said.

He said that during the old days, there was this elementary subject called GMRC or Good Manners and Right Conduct.

“So it is good character. If anyone cannot tame his tongue how can he control his hands? Our parents always tell us, teach primary good manners. Thus, before you vote look first, know beforehand their characters, and it must good,” the bishop said.

“Election is coming which is for our future. We go out and we vote for those who have God, Gospel and Good manners to live for and to share to us so that our country would be better, our future secured,” Santos concluded.


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