Home Featured Article Felipe II bestows upon Luzon the title of ‘Nuevo Reino de Castilla’

Felipe II bestows upon Luzon the title of ‘Nuevo Reino de Castilla’

ON JUNE 21, 1574, King Felipe II of Spain, bestowed upon Luzon the title of “Nuevo Reino de Castilla” (New Kingdom of Castilla), and on Manila that of “Insigne y siempre leal Ciudad” (Distinguished and Ever Loyal City) and permitted the establishment of a new municipal office.

This royal decree confirmed these designations given to Luzon and Manila by the then Governor Miguel Lopez de Legazpi.

On this very same day Fray Martin de Rada, Father Provincial of the Augustinians in the Philippines, gave his written opinion regarding the exaction by the Spaniards of tributes from the natives.

He declared that he and all his brethren regard the conquests made in these islands as unjust; and denounced the acts of injustice, oppression, and extortion committed against the helpless natives.

Rada asserted that the rate of tribute is three times as high as it ought to be, considering the poverty of the natives and urged the Governor to reduce the amount levied to one-third of the present exaction, and to protect the natives from oppression.

Guido de Lavezaris and other officials at Manila defended themselves from Rada’s accusations, writing a letter to the King to state their side of the contention.

They denied some of Rada’s statements, and excused their action in other matters, casting the blame for many evils on the treachery of the natives.


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