CS alumni, PTA decry SF archdiocese for commercialism

    ANGELES CITY – A peaceful protest denouncing the alleged “commercialism” of the Archdiocese of San Fernando on piece of property fronting the Chevalier School in Barangay Sto Domingo here was held over-the-weekend.

    A spokesman of the protesters identified as Glen Zamora, Chevalier School alumnus batch 1996, said the alumni and the school’s parents, teachers association (PTA) are opposing the lease of some 4,961 square meters property fronting the school to a giant fastfood corporation.

    Zamora said the mother corporation of Jollibee Foods Corp. has leased the property from the Archdiocese of San Fernando which owned the property. Jollibee’s subsidiaries like Burger King, Chowking and Mang Inasal are now set to establish in the area, he said.

    Zamora explained that the said leased property is an integral part of the Chevalier School campus which was known in the Chevalier School community as the “soccer field” where some important school functions such as the rosary vigil, Pagdiriwang school fair and sports events/intramurals and other big gatherings were held. It is also used as a parking lot of the school.

    It will be a big loss to Chevalier School and most especially to the students, if the area is commercialized, he lamented.

    Meanwhile, a priest privy to the issue said the area is already commercialized because the buildings in the area like Jollibee, Sacred Heart Hospital and Chevalier School itself are commercial establishments.

    The protesters were from the Chevalier School- Sacred Heart Seminary Alumni Community and the CS Parents- Teachers Association.

    The protesters maintained that the contract between the Archdiocese of San Fernando and the MSC congregation (Missionaries of the Sacred Heart) that was made and duly notarized in 1958 is very much valid and binding under our Philippine laws and jurisdiction.


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