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Stress Management: Some tips for teachers


“STRESS IS the trash of modern life we all generate it but if you don’t dispose it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life” –Danzae Pace

In today’s modern world, stress is a reality we have to face. We live in a world where everything seems too fast for us the handle. We have to work so hard in order to meet our basic needs. Sometimes, our lives are so dependent on the work we have that is too much to handle.

We teachers are not exempted into this reality. In recent years, especially with the continuous reforms being undertaken in our educational system, so much work is put on the shoulders of the teachers. We do not only have to teach our students; there are other things that we have to do in order to meet the expectations of our schools. We have also have to teach sometimes in not so friendly environmental conditions. But because we see teaching as our mission, we continue to passionately respond to the challenges of our teaching profession.

It is important therefore, that we can find ways on making our life easy and enjoyable despite the pressures of our work. We have to be physically and emotionally fit in order that we can bring out the best in every learner under our care. It is said that our perceptions influence our stress level. Furthermore, I believe that happiness is a choice and it us who make choices in life. Therefore, changing our mindset or the way we think could help us in addressing stress before it affects us.

The following are some tips we can use to be able to cope up with stress.

1. Avoid unnecessary stress

We should know how to say “no” especially to situation we know we cannot control. We must be able to control ourselves instead of situations or people controlling us. We must be realistic in terms of our plans and goals in life. Even when we teach, let us have objectives that are doable and attainable.

2. Alter the situation

Express our feelings instead of letting them just stay in ourselves. Time management is of the essence also. We should know how to prioritize things and not let ourselves be overtaken by the pile of work we have. In dealing with others, it is important that we know when to compromise without losing ourselves in the process.

3. Adapt to the stressor

Problems are part of life. We cannot run away from problems but it is on how we look at problems. Let us look at problems as opportunities for growth and improvements rather than looking at them as negative. Let us look at the big picture and not just focus on the little things. Remember, successful people looked at problems as challenges and opportunities for them to be more creative and productive.

4. Accept the things you cannot change

In the serenity prayer, it states, “God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” This prayer is a beautiful one that captures the fourth tip. There things we cannot change and we have to move forward and not be distracted by this. It is in accepting this reality can we find peace in ourselves.

5. Make time for fun and relaxation

Work will not leave us. There will always be work especially in the Department of Education. However, we should also give time for ourselves. Let us find ways on how to recharge through healthy means. Discover our talents and hobbies. Look for sports that we love to do or play. We can start from these. If we have the skill to paint, find time to hone it. Music can be soothing to us and can relive stress. Get a massage to relax our muscles from tension. These are some ways where we can have fun and relaxation.

6. Adopt a healthy lifestyle

Stress can come from unhealthy lifestyle of the modern world. We should find time for exercise and find time for a good sleep. Curb unnecessary fats and caffeine and sweets.

7. Find time for prayer and meditation

Prayer and meditation can give us the inner strength of our stressful life. We can come into contact with our inner self. It give us the motivation to transcend the present situation and give us a resolve to do better. The above tips are just some of the many things we can personally do in order to cope with stress. But ultimately, it is still our decision and resolve to make the situation positive. As William James said, “The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”

Dr. Edward C. Jimenez
EPS I, Division Of Meycauayan City


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