17 ex-village chiefs stay loyal to Tarzan


    LOYAL ALLIES. Rep. Lazatin (seated, center) is consulted by former Angeles city barangay captains on various issues in local politics. Photo by Joey Pavia

    ANGELES CITY – “It’s not about politics but personal relationships, that’s why we stick it out with Congressman Tarzan.”

    Thus collectively said 17 former Angeles City barangay captains who visited First District Rep. Carmelo “Tarzan” Lazatin at his residence over the weekend.

    Former Association of Barangay Captains (ABC) President Jerry Alejandrino and the 16 others were asked why they had remained loyal to Lazatin “before, during and after” serving as village chiefs.

    “The congressman is more a friend than a boss. What he has given to the people in my barangay would not be forgotten. The improvements on almost all the roads were done by Lazatin,’ said Alejandrino, a former three-term barangay captain of Pandan.

    Alejandrino said Lazatin was also consulted on their future political plans.

    “Some of us will make a comeback, including me,” said Alejandrino. He stressed that Mayor Edgardo Pamintuan and Lazatin “will both decide on their political careers.”

    For her part, former Pulung Bulu Barangay Captain Gloria Tanhueco said “Lazatin was like a father who gave guidance and support in our personal and political lives.”

    “Congressman Lazatin is available to us and all his constituents all year round. You can meet him outside his bedroom right after he wakes up,” she added.

    Tanhuenco said “we are all-out in supporting the programs of Lazatin and his bid for third term as solon,” she added.

    Tanhuenco pointed out that the national awards of Lazatin as outstanding congressman for three straight years and his recent award as Most Outstanding Kapampangan (MOKA) in public service “means he is really deserving of his public post.”


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