Will the Peace Talks with the MILF be a success

    There has been serious concerns regarding newspaper reports that some 1.7 million ballots for the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) are without security markings. However, early Monday morning (Feb.22) James Jimenez Comelec spokesman said that there are atleast five security markings on all ballots including those for ARMM.

    Comelec commissioner Gregorio Larrazabal said in a radio interview program “Dos Por Dos” that all ballots have security markings. This was aired also Monday morning.

    Early Monday morning Ret. Archbishops Oscar Cruz in a radio interview said he is yet to verify and confrim the report, the absence of security markings from Comelec. Maybe Archbishops Cruz should have talked to Comelec before breaking the news in the media. Cruz source was reportedly from the National Printing Office.

    Wether the report is true or not, the anxiety continues to alarm those who are particularly suffering from paranoia in connection with election irregularities.

    Early indications are that Comelec would deny the story. What then if the story was a hoax? That is the bottomline.

    It is now up to Bantay Daya to prove the truth of their story. Maybe it is also time for Comelec to organize its own watch dog group and call it Bantay Pari.

    Reports said that a nine-man team from Malaysia is now in the country to observe the peace negotiation between the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). More international observers are expected to arrive.

    We are all for a lasting peace in Mindanao and an acceptable solution to the problems through negotiations.

    However, consider this as the basic talking points if the negotiations is to succeed.

    1. Is the government panel assured that the MILF will not demand the establishment of an independent Bangsa Moro Islamic Republic?

    2. Will the MILF agree to disarm itself whatever the outcome of the peace negotiations?

    3. Will the MILF abandon what it calls its “territories” and turn over the same to the full control of our government?

    Observers believe that these are the sticky and sensitive issues.

    The failed memorandum of agreement thats was considered unconstitutional contains these points and after its rejection violence erupted in Mindanao. There were at least the two MILF Commanders said to be responsible for the mini uprising in several Mindanao provinces. Surely, all hope to stop this violence again should the peace talks bug down.

    The MILF has never had it so good as they enjoy in their status today in Mindanao. Whatever remains to puzzle observers is how come the MILF has their own territories fully controlled by them that our armed forces and duly authorize representatives of government must “coordinate” with the MILF to enter these territories. No, we do not “coordinate” but ask permission from the MILF.

    The MILF has its own army (fighters they are called). They have their own laws and flag. Its no wonder if they do not swear allegiance to our flag.

    The government has its hands full with problems of private armies in Mindanao. To many observers the MILF is a private army that has been tolerated by the government.

    During the incumbency of President Estrada our armed forces dismantelled all the MILF strongholds including Camp Abubakar.

    We do not need more violence in Mindanao. May the peace talks succeed this time for a lasting stability in Mindanao.

    Where I live in Dau, we have been experiencing brownouts. These came in the heels of announcement by the Department of Energy that there will be no brownouts in Luzon until June this year. Pelco II should explain, why we have brownouts. Last Monday February 22, we had no power from 9 AM until 6:15 PM. This affect not only household activities but also business operation. Think about it.

    Happy Birthday today February 22 to Secretary Ed Pamintuan. But I am sure he will not be happy because of the recent ruling of the Supreme Court that appointed officials are considered resign after filing their certificates of candidancy.

    Secretary Pamintuan is eying the mayorship of Angeles City.


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