When an only son dreams of becoming a priest

     (Writer’s Note:  We always hear people talking about the “worst-case scenario.”  What if people started talking about the bright, optimistic side of things?  Starting this week, this column will feature familiar, everyday life stories… stories that may not hug the headlines of dailies.  But, they may just ring a bell to the ordinary man and the “headlines” of his day-to-day existence, especially when things are given a rosy spin.  After all, the positive side in all of us always looks for a good angle to every story, an upbeat way of looking at things.  In short, a blue-sky scenario.)

    Not too long ago, he said he wanted to be a Roman Catholic Priest. A few days after that, he promoted himself to being a revered Bishop. Yesterday, he altered his career pathing and said he wished he could be an esteemed lawyer and a venerated Bishop one day. Then, just a few minutes ago, he changed his mind yet again. This time around, he sees himself in the not-so-distant future as a scholarly Bishop and an erudite Supreme Court Justice, in that particular order.

    I haven’t heard of a pontiff who became an eminent jurist of the highest court of the land, but that’s what my only son, Vicoe, wants to become when he grows up.

    I don’t know if you noticed, but there was something that did not change in the different hats that he sees himself wearing one day soon. Let me walk you through Vicoe’s “one-day-I-want-to-be” dreams one more time. Priest… Bishop… Lawyer and Bishop… Bishop and Justice.

    In all these, he wants to be a… man of the cloth.

    Wait, wait. My only son wants to embrace the celibate life? Perhaps he doesn’t understand that people expect him to perpetuate my tribe. Perhaps he needs to know that the responsibility of having Roques up to a thousandth generation rests on his broadening shoulders. Perhaps he could use a little reality check about him being the only one who could infuse immortality to our clan and the era after him.

    Or perhaps I got it all wrong.

    This early, I see in Vicoe an extraordinary liking for anything related to God. You may not believe this, but he devours the bible like an illustrated comic book; he even sees himself being the bible quiz champ one day. Christian Living Education exams and perfect scores are becoming synonymous to him. In Church, he confidently sings as a Cantor in front of the Sunday Mass crowd. Lately, I’ve discovered that he even writes poems about saints. Yes, of all topics, saints.

    Just now, he showed me a poem he wrote about St. Cyprian. (Saint who?) Allow me to introduce you to St. Cyprian as Vicoe introduced him to me:

    St. Cyprian was a writer, and one of his books was “Testimonia ad Quirinum”

    But actually his first Christian writing was “Ad Donatum.”

    Like us he was always conscious,

    And we also learn from his deacon, St. Pontius.

    He was taught by Caecilianus, a dying old man,

    Who commended his wife and family to the care of Cyprian.

    He was a famous orator and pleader, had considerable wealth, and held no doubt;

    He was always cheerful, and never did pout.

    Now that I am in Grade 5, and a growing young man,

    I must also follow my favorite saint, St. Cyprian.

    I’m not sure now about having Roques in the generations after Vicoe, but if Vicoe eventually decides to be a priest, or a bishop cum lawyer, I won’t get in the way of his plans. Sure, that is easier said than done, but I am certain that if I learn to let go and pray for his hopes and aspirations, I would actually be sharing God’s unfathomable love to countless people through Vicoe.

    And that thing about giving love away, as people say, is one of the best ways to achieve immortality.

    Quote for the week:

    “We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.” ~Stacia Tauscher


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