Home Opinion Various mystics on the Warning

Various mystics on the Warning


IN THE apparitions of the Blessed Mother in Garabandal, Spain in the 1960s, she prophesied three events that many in the world would probably live long enough to witness: the Warning, the Miracle and the Chastisement (capitalization mine).

I am in my senior years, yet I feel a bit of confidence that, with God’s grace, I could live to experience at least the Warning.

It’s a prophesy that’s not exclusive to Garabandal. It was also conveyed by the Blessed Mother, and even Jesus Himself, to other credible mystics in our modern times.

So here, let me cite anew the messages on the Warning, first, as conveyed in Garabandal.

Garabandal seer Conchita Gonzalez said the Warning “will be like two heavenly bodies or stars colliding that make a lot of noise and a lot of light, but they don’t fall. We are going to see it. It will horrify us because at that very moment we will see our souls and the harm we have done. In that moment we are going to see our conscience, everything wrong that we are doing, and the good that we are not doing.”

In Betania, Venezuela, mystic Maria Esperanza Bianchini quoted the Blessed Mother as saying: “Little children, today, healthful for your souls you must contribute to helping me build my house in this place. A refuge of a Mother with the title, ‘Mary, Reconciler of People and Nations: Pray, meditate, and nourish yourselves with the bread of the Eucharist which gives you supernatural life….

“I want to be known, I repeat to you, under the name of Virgin and Mother, Reconciler for the People because man needs to find himself. He needs to see in each human being his or her own brother or sister….

“Little children, I am your Mother, and I come to seek you so that you may prepare yourselves to be able to bring my message of reconciliation. There is coming the great moment of a great day of light. The consciences of this beloved people must be violently shaken so that they may ‘put their house in order’ and off er to Jesus the just reparation for the daily infidelities that are committed on the part of sinners….”

From Poland, Saint Faustina Kowalska of the Divine Mercy quoted Jesus Christ Himself as follows: “Before I come as the just Judge, I am coming first as the King of Mercy. Before the day of justice arrives, there will be given to people a sign in the heavens of this sort:

“All light in the heavens will be extinguished, and there will be great darkness over the whole earth. Then the sign of the cross will be seen in the sky, and from the openings where the hands and the feet of the Savior were nailed will come forth great lights which will light up the earth for a period of time. This will take place shortly before the last day.”

In Dozule, France in 1974, another visionary known as Madeleine also quoted Jesus referring to the Warning thus: “The Glorious Cross, or the Sign of the Son of Man, is the announcement of the imminent Return in Glory of Jesus, risen from the dead.”

The following year, Jesus added: “But, fear nothing, I tell you, it is by this Cross set over the world that nations will be saved.”

Also to Fr. Estafano Gobbi of the Marian Movement of Priests, the Warning was described as a bright cross in the sky, extending from east to west.

On April 1, 1994, the Blessed Mother told Father Gobbi: “The bloodied Cross, which you contemplate today in tears, will be the cause of your greatest happiness, because it will be transformed into a great bright Cross.

“The bright Cross, which will extend from east to west and will appear in the heavens, will be the sign of the return of Jesus in glory.

“The bright Cross will be transformed from a gibbet to a throne of his triumph, because Jesus will come upon it to establish His glorious reign in the world.

“The bright Cross, which will appear in the heavens at the end of the purification and the great tribulation, will be the door which opens the long dark sepulcher in which humanity is lying, to lead it into the new reign of life which Jesus will bring with His glorious return.”

Alleged visionary Paola Albertini of Italy said the Blessed Mother also told her about the Warning and that “there will appear a great cross in the sky. All will see it. Some will be converted. Some will be so frightened that they will die. And others will be indifferent to it. There will be a test, and then there will come this sign… Jesus and Mary will help us. Let us not be afraid.”

Another alleged mystic named Sadie Jaramillo claimed to have received a message from Jesus about the Warning and quoted Him as saying: “Soon you will behold the greatest prodigy in the heavens. You will behold this with your eyes and feel it in your soul. You will see Me on the Cross in the heavens and the weight of your sins will be revealed in your soul. By a means of your consecration to My Most Sacred Heart, I have truly placed you there in My Heart.

“You will behold this great manifestation of Mercy from within My Heart, and the flames of My purifying Love will raise and will consume all that is left, that keeps you from totally loving Me.”


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