Home Featured Article TMC-Clark introduces Red Coat Ambassadors

TMC-Clark introduces Red Coat Ambassadors


CLARK FREEPORT — Providing positive impression by sharing the culture of care, The Medical CityClark officially launched its Red Coat Ambassadors program recently.

The Red Coat Ambassadors are specially trained staff and retirees who want to stay active as volunteers to assist patients and guests with navigation, information, and non-medical care. 

Donned in red coats or blazers, the ambassadors are easily recognizable as hospital staff whom patients can go for assistance. They are stationed at TMC – Clark’s emergency department, billing section, ambulatory center, and other diagnostic units.

The Red Coat Ambassadors program will enhance patient experience, physician and employee engagement, as well as volunteerism. They also pass on comments and suggestions to the hospital’s customer relations department.

“The Red Coat Ambassador program is a movement that aims to create a positive first impression on our patient partners and guests by providing them assistance with navigation and information, and sharing with them TMC’s culture of care. This program will build a meaningful human connection and upgrade personal engagement for the best ever patient experience,” says Jean Morales, TMC-Clark customer relations manager.

The Medical City Clark is a provincial hospital of The Medical City, a world class health care complex and the country’s largest health network operating under a single brand. 



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