Home Headlines The Medical City expands, adopts more advance techniques

The Medical City expands, adopts more advance techniques


(Dr. Jacqueline Angeles, Medical Director of The Medical City Clark (2nd from L) discusses the hospital expansion, programs and projects together with Dr. Almario Jabson, Evelyn Yumul, TMC Clark President/CEO and Marketing Director, respectively at Talk Widus. Looking on is Pampanga press CLub President Deng Pangilinan)

One of the country’s leading medical institutions has embarked on a widescale expansion, setting up the latest and most modern methods in prevention, control and treatment of ailments.

The Medical City Clark (TMCC) will be having the very first Genomics facility in Central Luzon, making it the leader in early detection of common and even dreaded diseases like cancer, kidney and cardio-vascular problems.

This was announced Wednesday during Talk Widus, the monthly media conference of Pampanga Press Conference at Widus Hotel and Casino inside Clark Freeport.

“We will focus on the propensity for cardiovascular and kidney diseases and cancer. The whole concept (of Genomics) is for TMC Clark to be able to tell someone at age of 20 or 30 years old the propensity to these diseases based on chromosomal patterns. From there, we can also help in nutritional and lifestyle support. If not preventive, we should be able to delay (diseases), ” said Dr. Almario Jabson, president and CEO of TMCC.

Genomics is a branch of molecular biology concerned with the structure, function, evolution, and mapping of genomes.

Dr. Jacqueline Angeles, TMCC Medical Director said that aside from genomics, the hospital has also expanded its programs and services that now also cover nutrient testing, allergy profiling, blood poisoning (against heavy metals), and homecare services.

“We now have so many services which makes TMC Clark very different from the other hospitals,” Angeles added.

It now also has a kidney transplant center while maintaining one of the most modern hybrid cardiovascular laboratory. The services of which can be both availed of using Philhealth coverages.

TMCC started operations five years ago. From 100-bed capacity, it will increase to 250 next year. It has 300 medical specialists who are mostly foreign-trained and fellows in various medical disciplines and practices.

For the next five years, it is envisioned to become a so-called a full-fledged referral center where patients from the rest of Central and Northern Luzon are expected come for various medical and hospital services, Jabson added.


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