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The first K-12 graduates


BATCH 2018 – the first K12 Completers, Congratulations!

In 2011, the Department of Education (DepEd) conducted a shift to a learning scheme- The K to 12 basic education program. Many people were against to the new education system but the government was eager in transforming the Philippine education.

K to 12 (K-12) is an education system under the Department of education that aims to enhance learners’ basic skills, produce more competent citizens, and prepare graduates for lifelong learning and employment. “K” stands for Kindergarten and “12” refers to the succeeding 12 years of basic education. (6 years of elementary, 4 years of junior high school and 2 years of senior high school). cited from k12philippines.com

Batch 2018 graduated mostly at the age of 18 and ready for employment, entrepreneurship, middle level skills development and higher education.

CHED noted, “All grade 12 graduates beginning academic year 2017 – 2018 are eligible to enter college regardless of the track or strand taken in the Senior High School.” so they can enter higher education.

Entrepreneurship at the age of 18 will be very easy if they have the money and if the family is already into business field.

Employers warn that the first batch of K to 12 graduates may not be qualified to work. The World Tonight. ANC, January 16, 2018. And according to PCCI (Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry) K to 12 curriculums needs longer job immersion to be workready. What about those who will not enter higher education? Do you think they will be employed?

(Unsolicited contributions here are unedited, unabridged, as is. Errors in grammar, syntax, etc, solely the writer’s. — Editor)


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