Home Headlines SSS introduces ExpreSSS e-Learning Portal to members, employers

SSS introduces ExpreSSS e-Learning Portal to members, employers


The Social Security System (SSS) now offers an online learning platform to all members, employers, and other stakeholders to learn about the benefits and services of the pension fund.

SSS President and Chief Executive Officer Aurora Ignacio said the ExpreSSS e-Learning (ExSSSeL) Portal, which SSS launched in November 2020, represents a milestone in the pension fund’s digital transformation efforts.

“The ExSSSel will allow any participants to learn SSS programs and updates for free at the comfort and safety of their homes,” Ignacio said.

“We realized that online services and transactions are now part of the New Normal as a result of the pandemic. We find ExSSSel more effective in reaching out to more members across the country and keep them updated on the latest developments in our benefit programs and services since existing community quarantine measures restrict us from conducting face-to-face learning sessions in various offices, companies, and other organizations. As of April 27, 2021, we have already recorded a total of 71,491 visitors to the said portal,” Ignacio explained.

Through the ExSSSeL Portal, SSS members and interested individuals can learn about the different policies, programs, and updates without the need to gather in a single venue for a training session. They can choose among the five training modules available in the learning portal, namely: Module 1 on sickness benefit, Module 2 on maternity benefit, Module 3 on unemployment benefit, Module 4 on disability benefit, and Module 5 on salary loan.

As part of their learning process, SSS will be issuing e-certificates to participants upon completion of any of the modules, if they obtain a passing rate of at least 80% in the post-examination conducted at the end of each module.

Interested individuals can access the ExSSSeL Portal homepage using this link https://bit.ly/ExSSSeL_Portaland select their preferred topic among the five modules. Once they chose a module, a registration form via Google Form will appear. Participants need to fill up the registration form to start their selected module. The participant’s complete name, valid e-mail address, company name, and the nearest SSS branch or their servicing branch should also be provided. Participating employers should indicate the number of employees represented and may also register in multiple modules.

Participants can study the module at their own pace as access to the said portal is available 24/7. Members may also open multiple modules simultaneously.

“At the end of each module, the participant will find a link for post-module examination. It will help them gauge how much they learned. If they failed the test, we advise them to restudy the module and retake the said exam,” Ignacio said.

For participants who obtained a passing rate, SSS will send an e-certificate to their registered e-mail addresses within seven working days.

From November 28, 2020 to April 15, 2021, a total of 23,738 participants have already viewed the five modules in the ExSSSeL Portal. Nearly 60% or 14,231 of the total participants have completed at least one module and took the post examination. Ignacio said about 45% or 6,331 of the total participants who took the post-module test received a passing rating and received their e-certificates.

“We encourage members and interested individuals to use the ExSSSeL Portal as it will help them expand their knowledge about SSS,” Ignacio pointed out.

For more information, follow the SSS’ social media accounts on Facebook and YouTube at “Philippine Social Security System,” Instagram at “mysssph,” Twitter at “PHLSSS,” or join its Viber Community at “MYSSSPH Updates.”


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