Solon wants 4 cops sacked

    ANGELES CITY – “Scalawags in PNP (Philippine National Police) uniform should be removed to save the reputation of the police.”

    Thus said First District Rep. Carmelo “Tarzan” Lazatin as he met yesterday the regional police commander in Camp Olivas to complain four policemen here who reportedly extorted P400,00 cash from his nephew after they planted “shabu” on him and his companion last week.

    Lazatin said he had asked Chief Supt. Allan Purisima, Central Luzon police director, to file the appropriate administrative charges against former Angeles City Station I commander Chief Insp. Rico Cayabyab and three others – SPOI Ronald Santos, PO3 Michael Villarreal and PO2 Cyrus Lising.

    “The four cops have no business staying for one day in the PNP.

    Rotten tomatoes should be thrown away to save the good ones,” said Lazatin.

    He disclosed that two of the four cops formerly assigned at Station I had been seen in a Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) while waiting for the P400,000 to be given by a relative of the solon to them.

    The CCTVs are installed at the Casablanca Casino of the Stotsenberg Hotel in Clark.

    Reports said it was Lising and Santos who were at the casino-hotel last January 19 to get the money.

    Lazatin said Purisima was “open” to his suggestion.

    “General Purisima assured me that the case will be dealt with accordingly by the PNP as long as we have the pieces of evidence to support the complaint, including the CCTV tapes,” said Lazatin.

    The solon said his relative, whom he asked not to be named, and his companion will no longer file cases against the four cops before a court because “this will take about three years or more to resolve.”

    “My relative and his family may get threats while the case is tackled in court. We just want administrative charges to pave the way for their removal in service,” said Lazatin, who showed to Punto the CCTV taken showing Lising and Santos at the hotel-casino.

    Bautista, in a text message, said Cayabyab and his three other people had been relieved at Station I and now under investigation.

    Lazatin said his nephew and companion were flagged down by policemen assigned at Station I and they were told to proceed to the police station as their car reportedly smelled of marijuana.


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