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Slowing down is a medicine


IN THIS generation, to take a moment to just rest is viewed as laziness with a poor motivation. While doing a lot to the point of sacrificing your sleeping hours and missing meals means an absolute success and deemed impressive.

Last week I had a conversation with my TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) doctor friend, Nigel Chang. We discussed about the unfortunate skyrocketing statistics of cancer patients, not only in the Philippines but in the whole world. The inflicted are becoming younger, between 25 to 35 years old. 

The saying that work hard and do more now, so you can retire early, is the mindset of the youth. They see it in social media and believe it. I know many hardworking people who used to say that. They have already amassed so much wealth, gained certain status in the society, but are still hustling around instead of taking it easy. You know why? Like prohibited drugs, getting used to many activities can also be addictive. Humans are becoming like machinery. The operation only halts when the machine is failing. 

A dear friend of mine, Kazu, who is an engineer and an entrepreneur, lost his hair totally from not resting. His memory declined so tremendously that his wife always complains about his forgetfulness. He said he struggles to slow down. Since for many years he has been living a fast-paced life. He acknowledged the damages his lifestyle caused to his body and mind. He is committing to reversing it by slowing down and prioritizing his wellbeing.

So, how do you slow down? Take a pause. Drop everything in your bucket, even just for a day or two. With this, you will be able to examine the flow of your life in clarity.  Make a list of your priorities – don’t forget to include yourself. Schedule how much time you will allot for each objective. Think how you can work more efficiently and be more productive, with a shorter time frame – without compromising quality.

Be present. Spend less time in social media. Most youngsters, even adults, consume hours fixated in Facebook, YouTube or Instagram. The screen time not only strains your eyes but also leaves you feeling tired because of the electromagnetic frequency emitted by the device which impacts your psyche. Instead, appreciate the vast enthralling blue sky, commune with nature, exercise, connect with friends and family, read a book, or simply stare at the stars mindlessly. Use your time wisely. Do only things that benefit your being in a positive way.

Engage in silence. Slow down your mind. Your body might be at rest, but your brain might be racing. Sit in a quiet place and meditate – five minutes in the morning after shower, and before sleeping. Gradually add more time as you go along. You may try to diffuse drops of lavender essential oil to accelerate the feeling of calm and to add a sacred ambiance in the space. Enlightenment is certain if this practice is embraced. 

You may be thinking of popping up some pills to address your restlessness, anxiety, depression, physical fatigue, migraine, blurry vision, muscle and joint pains. Why not try the free but more effective “slow-down” medication instead, and see its glory.




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