Home Featured Article Senior Fashionistas walk at SM City San Jose Del Monte’s runway

Senior Fashionistas walk at SM City San Jose Del Monte’s runway


(Participants laugh after they are asked to turn right mimicking the traditional right and left turn in a pageant during the second Senior’s Day at SM City San Jose del Monte. Contributed Photo)

TRULY THAT fashion shows are not only for slim, longlegged, and young girls, as this was recently proven by the elderly group in San Jose del Monte City through a fashion show organized by SM in an effort to continuously recognize the talent and skills of the senior citizens.

Dubbed as “Senior Fashionistas”, 45 chic grandmas from different barangay senior citizens affairs offices fearlessly walk the runway at the mall atrium to showcase their renewed confidence highlighting the different fashion trends from 1960’s to 199 0’s.

More than 500 other senior citizens flocked the venue to support their fellow senior citizens as well as the family and friends of the participants.

The Seniors Day at the Mall in SM City San Jose del Monte is a quarterly event to show love and appreciation to the senior members of the community and also to encourage them to stay active despite the age.

Earlier this year, senior citizens celebrated their first gathering through a dance competition to highlight their talent in dancing and to prove that they still have the energy and groove, and also to promote healthy lifestyle. Same goes for the next senior’s day on the third quarter this year, which is pegged to highlight the food preparation and cooking skills of our beloved elderlies. Date is yet to be announce.

For more exciting and fun happenings, you may check SM City San Jose del Monte’s official Facebook page at www.facebook.com/SMCitySanJoseDelMonte/.


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