Running scared

    SCAMPERING AWAY as a scared mangy mongrel with its tail between its legs.

    So was Angeles City Mayor Francis “Blueboy” Nepomuceno pictured in media releases of late with his failure to rise up to the challenge of Secretary Ed Pamintuan to a debate. 

    “Ing tatakut, atin yang sasalikut (One who’s afraid, has something ugly to hide).” So sneered can-do Pamintuan of clueless Nepomuceno.

    “Kung talagang wala siyang itinatagong katiwalian na nangyayari sa Angeles, walang dapat ikatakot si Blueboy Nepomuceno na humarap sa isang public debate. Silence could only mean an admission of guilt,” furthered Pamintuan.

    Soliloquied the former Luzon urban beltway champion: “The people of Angeles City are intelligent and conscientious voters who deserve to hear the truth behind the issues hounding Nepomuceno. Hindi ito pwedeng isantabi, walisin at itago na lamang sa ilalim ng maruming banig. Ing tatakut, atin sasalikut.”

    To which retorted, not Nepomuceno but his axeman – his rabid running dog, Pamintuan’s fanatics say – Mark Allen Singson: “We have nothing to gain. Garabyadu kami, nung bisa ya after elections namu (We are at a disadvantage. If he wants, we can have the debate after the elections)… Gawa kune mung halo-halo kasi hot-tempered ya. (In the meantime, I’ll just concoct halo-halo for him because he is hot-tempered.)”

    Pregnant with meanings, if not conclusions, is Sison’s riposte.

    One, Nepomuceno’s craven cowardliness – perceived, that is – affirmed there. Has he not the voice, if not the balls, to answer Pamintuan, finding in Sison a convenient speakeasy there? Or to be blunt about it – as we cannot speak of Sison in baro’t saya togs and therefore could not say of his mayor hiding under his skirt – Nepomuceno finding refuge in Sison’s shadow?   

    Then too, has Nepomuceno not the mind, a piece of which, he could impact on Pamintuan?
    Two, Nepomuceno’s cavalier attitude towards his rival: Pamintuan way below his league and therefore a match only to his mere factotum, Sison.

    Three, Sison himself admitted Nepomuceno being garabyado, at a disadvantage, in a face-off with Pamintuan. Disadvantaged in what? In articulation of the issues? In the nature of the issues as totally defenseless, like the P812-million loan for a sports complex when the city could not even pay its P65-million garbage bill? Like the over P1-billion city budget when the Ospital ng Angeles gets but a measly P1 million in funds? Like the whopping P4.2 million spent for four police motorcycles that were neither Duccati nor Aprilla, not even Harleys? Like…etcetera.

    Whatever, where Nepomuceno lacks – the fortitude to go tit-for-tat with his rival in a public debate – he makes up for some underhanded tricks – like grabbing credits for projects he had the least effort in.

    Mapanako damulag (carabao rustler). So has been Nepomuceno tagged for his alleged propensity for credit grabbing.

    Reported the media:  “Supporters of 1st District Rep. Carmelo “Tarzan” Lazatin have denounced the city government for allegedly removing billboards of the solon announcing his infrastructure projects here.

    Worse, they added, the billboards of Mayor Francis “Blueboy” Nepomuceno were put after Lazatin’s billboards had been removed….

    …Residents of Barangay Sto. Domingo assailed Nepomuceno, saying “they should not claim the credit of others especially during the elections.”

    “The mayor should just be contented reporting what he did,” they added.

     They cited the P10 million road project at Don Bonifacio which stretch up to the city hall, P85 million expansion of the Pulung Bulo bridge and P25 drainage project in Barangay Pulung Maragul as the areas where they removed the Lazatin’s billboards.

    “The congressman had just worked for the asphalting of Don Bonifacio two weeks and his billboards were no longer around,” said Benny Castro of Barangay Balibago.

     “This is not good as they (Nepomuceno camp) fool the people,” he added.

    Run away from public debate. Grab credits belonging to others. This is no way to engage in an election campaign.  


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