Home Headlines Recovered Covid patients urged to donate plasma

Recovered Covid patients urged to donate plasma


CITY OF SAN FERNANDO — With the vaccine for the coronavirus disease yet to come, convalescent plasma is evaluated as possible treatment for the current Covid-19 patients.

Toward this direction, a call for plasma donation from recovered Covid patients has been sounded by Pamisaupan Kapampangan, a network of volunteers led by Drs. Katrina de la Peña and Rowena Medina-Mangubat.

“Because you fought the infection, your plasma now contains Covid-19 antibodies. These antibodies provide one way for the immune system to fight the virus when they were sick so the plasma may be used to help others fight off the disease,” Dela Peña said.

On July 29, six on-thejobtraining police officers all fully recovered Covid patients under PNP RSTU-3 training manager Col. Frederick Obar donated their plasma at the Jose B. Lingad Regional Memorial Hospital through the coordination and efforts of Pamisaupan Kapampangan.

Dela Peña noted in order to be eligible for plasma donation, the donor must be aged 18 to 65 years oldweighing at least 50 kgs.

She listed the other criteria to qualify for convalescent plasma donation as:

1. Previously diagnosed with Covid-19 by SARS COV2 RT- PCR and absence of symptoms for at least 14 days with a negative RTPCR test.

2. Previously diagnosed with Covid-19 by SARS COV2 RT-PCR and absence of symptoms for at least 28 days even without a negative RT-PCR test.

3. No SARS COV2 RT-PCR. Absence of signs and symptoms for at least 28 days. Tested positive for IgG antibodies on recovery.

Dela Peña said once eligible for plasma donation, basic procedure can begin noting that a blood sample will be taken and tested for SARS COV2 antibodies using an automated machine. Eligible donors will also be screened for red cell antibody, HIV, hepatitis B and C, malaria and syphilis.

“Once qualified, the donor may donate plasma through apheresis procedure. Apheresis means that the donor does not need to donate all of his blood components, only his plasma. There is also a special machine used for this procedure,” said dela Peña.

For plasma donations, volunteers may call the JBLMRH Blood Bank Center through Lourdes Canda, chief medical technologist, at 0919-002-2377 and (045) 409-6688 local 166 or may also coordinate with PNP regional advisory council and women’s health advocate group through Pamisaupan Kapampangan at 0999-555-6802.

For other donations, visit Pamisaupan Kapampangan in Facebook for details.


*Photograb from Pamisaupan Kapampangan Facebook


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