Anti-stink streamers violate city laws

    ANGELES CITY – “There is nothing personal. We just keep the city clean and in order with our laws.”

    Thus said Angeles City Tourism Office (ACTO) head Pie Angeles Flores answering allegations of trader Ruperto “Perto” Cruz that her office had singled out his advocacy streamers by ordering them removed last week.  

    Flores said that the anti-pollution streamers of Cruz had violated two rules in the ordinance for the regulation of posters, billboards and streamers in the city.   

    “First, they had no permits. Second, you can’t put streamers across streets even those with permits,” said Flores. 

    Flores disclosed that she had called Cruz several times over his cellphone to explain his violations but to no avail.

    Cruz is the chairman of the Pinoy Gumising Ka Movement (PGKM), which is leading a fight against poultries and piggeries in Barangay Cutcut here and nearby Porac town. He co-owns the Royal Golf and Country Club (RGCC) where at least two streamers were removed by personnel of the General Services Office (GSO).    

    Flores also denied the allegations of Cruz that her office had set “double standards” in removing streamers.

    Earlier, Vice Mayor Vicky Vega-Cabigting complained to Punto of the removal of her posters and streamers in the city.

    A staunch critic of Mayor Francis “Blueboy” Nepomuceno, Vega said the posters and streamers of the mayor and his allies had been spared from the clean-up “but not ours.”

    Flores said she had informed Vega that “all of the streamers that had violations were removed regardless of who owns them.”

    Flores said the ACTO has a master list indicating streamers and posters which have the necessary permits. 

    “I checked the streamers of Vega and they were not in the master list,” said Flores.

    Cruz earlier said that the task force used by Flores to remove streamers had removed the streamers of some Korean traders which had the necessary permits.   

    Flores admitted that the streamers of the Koreans had permits “but were put across the streets violating the rules.”

    Flores is one of the top and trusted city government officials of Nepomuceno. The mayor’s elder brother, Cutcut Village Chief Robin Nepomuceno, owns a poultry farm near RGCC blamed for the foul smells and flies that go along with it.


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