Home Headlines QCinema now accepts submissions for 2021 short film competition

QCinema now accepts submissions for 2021 short film competition


The search is on for QCinema International Film Festival’s new batch of entries for its short film competition. Each chosen film will receive a production grant worth P350,000 with ownership of film rights.

QCinema, which has been recently voted as the best local film festival in the country by local film reviewers and regarded as one of the leading international film festivals in Southeast Asia, is now in its 9th year.

This year’s production grants have been increased to help local filmmakers abide by the increased safety protocols due to the pandemic. Filmmakers, at every stage of the production, must follow existing shooting guidelines like working hours, testing, and lock-in safety procedures. The selected narrative concepts must be feasible to shoot under these conditions, with few locations and scaled-down number of talents and crew members.

How to join

To join, filmmakers should submit a completed #QCShorts online application form together with a short synopsis, treatment, full script in proper screenplay format,  director’s statement, line item budget, and timeline. The line item budget must reflect the safety protocols. Also, the director’s profile with sample works and proposed cast and crew must be submitted.  Logline is optional, but preferred.

This grant is open to Filipino citizens, 18 years old and above. 

Proposed entries must be in the form of narrative fiction.  Animated entries will be accepted. The total running time (TRT) of completed film output with opening and closing credits must not exceed 20 minutes.

Original literary sources, music materials, and film footages must have proper clearance from respective copyright owners before they can be used in any part of the movie.

The film must have its Philippine premiere in #QCinema2021. The rights for the final product belong to the filmmaker.  Nonetheless, the Quezon City Film Development Commission, as the executive producer, reserves the right to screen it for the whole duration of #QCinema2021 and in other selected events after the festival screenings.

Application forms are available for download at https://qcinema.ph/grants/2021/qcshorts and are also posted on QCinema’s facebook (facebook.com/QCinemaPH/) and twitter (@QCinemaPH). 


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