Heavenly Father,
You led your people out of Egypt from slavery to freedom.
In Jesus your beloved Son, You led us from death to life
through his Paschal Mystery, and by the gift of the Holy Spirit.
We humble ourselves before you today,
trusting in your promise to heal our land.
Stretch forth your mighty hand once again and lead our nation,
in this time of crisis, conflict, and confusion.
Let the light of truth shine like a pillar of cloud by day
and a pillar of fire by night, to guide us along the path
that leads to unity and peace.
Make justice gush forth like water from the rock
quenching the thirst of victims, cleansing wounds,
and opening the way to healing and reconciliation.
As You fed Your people with manna in the wilderness,
satisfy our hunger for righteousness, that we may cease to crave
for power, wealth and selfish gain.
Soften hearts hardened like Pharaoh’s,
and open eyes blinded by greed,
that our love for our country may triumph
over all political loyalties and personal interests
and we may learn to see each other,
not as allies or enemies but as we truly are – brothers and sisters all.
May this Jubilee Year inspire us to journey together as one people.
Let this be our Passover:
from lies to truth,
from cowardice to courage,
from injustice to righteousness,
from division to unity,
from despair to hope,
from selfishness to love.
May this time of renewal enable us to discover again
our greatness as a nation and our dignity as a people so dear to your heart.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Paschal Lamb, who leads us through the Cross from death to new life. Amen.
Our Lady of Peace, pray for us.
St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
(Issued by Cardinal Jose Advincula of Manila calling to “transcend our differences and be open to continuous conversion towards truth, justice, and peace.” To be recited daily after the post-Communion prayer in all Masses starting the Third Sunday of Lent. CBCP)