Home Featured Article Moments of Moms at The Medical City Clark

Moments of Moms at The Medical City Clark


(Moms-to-be residing in Central Luzon  and nearby provinces join the Moments of Moms at TMC Clark)

A premiere health institution located in the heart of Central Luzon, The Medical City (TMC) Clark, recognizes the blissful yet anxious journey of motherhood. When expecting and first time moms bring new baby into the world, they also bring to life new experiences and questions particularly on pre-natal care, nutrition and breastfeeding.

To accompany them through this incredible journey, TMC Clark Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pediatrics in partnership with Abe-Abe Moms (Breastfeeding Club Moms) staged the Moments of Moms last May 19 in TMC Clark.

A meaningful Mother’s Day celebration headlined by heartwarming talks and fun activities, which educates and empowers almost 50 expecting moms to be all prepared and well equipped during pregnancy and post-delivery.

“We are true to our promise as being mom’s partner in proper health care and nutrition. This event is an eff ective way to promote and create awareness of valuable information and guide to pregnancy and baby care,” shares Carlos Tolentino TMC Clark product marketing officer.

Extremely helpful tips for new moms and moms-to-be on breastfeeding and increasing lactation presented at the “Breastfeeding: World’s Healthiest Fast Food” by Dr. Charmie Arribe, TMC Clark Department Head of Pediatrics.

To breastfeed successfully, you really don’t need anything more that your breast and baby. However, according to Marlene Deang De Mata of Abe-Abe Moms there are plenty of breastfeeding device available to help make breastfeeding easier and comfortable, as discussed at the “The Best Gear for Breastfeeding Concerns”.

She further shares as with all care, the use of breastfeeding device of any kind must be found to “do no harm”; thereafter its benefits must outweigh the risks it represents for the breastfeeding relationship to be truly supported.

A comprehensive discussion on pre-natal care and nutrition by Dr. Sheryll Pinpin, member of TMC Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, inspires the moms to eating enough nutritious food and getting the best amount of nutrients.

She said during pregnancy, you are eating for two that’s why there are new changes in dietary requirements and appetite.

Live cooking demo of healthy snacks for moms-to-be conducted by Chef John Yambao and Jemalee Mangosan, TMC clinical nutritionist. In an effort to boost high quality and safe pregnancy and delivery, TMC Clark launched the best value and worry-free Maternity Packages.

It is designed to address the mother and baby’s overall wellness and specifi c health concerns with competitively priced maternity packages.

From board-certifi ed OB-Gyne, Pedia, Anesth and nursing staff ; state-of-the-art delivery suite and laminar flow operating room (OR) set up; strict infection-control protocols and disposable OR supplies; to “Unang Yakap” and rooming-in.

Whether it is a normal or C-section delivery, it covers all the important aspects and captures the best moments of moms.

For more information on the maternity packages and schedule of series of pre-natal activities like Pregnancy Yoga please call TMC Clark at (045) 300- 8888 or 0916-4488046.

Love to hear from you please follow and write me at FestiveFlair.ph


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