Home Opinion Medjugorje seer confirms life after death

Medjugorje seer confirms life after death


ONE MAJOR reason for my faith in the existence of God and the truth of the Catholic religion is Medjugorje. Only fools would deny the apparitions of the Blessed Mother there since 1981. Even self-professed atheists are pushed to a spiritual wall there, left with no option but belief.

Thus, what comes from Medjugorje, particularly the messages of the Blessed Mother through the six visionaries, are very important to me, as they should be to all.

The messages are for prayer, conversion, sacrifices, etc. They also convey warnings of some dire future, but always posited on whether mankind would change for the better. It would seem, however, that a great chastisement has become inevitable.

One Medjugorje visionary, Ivanka, once declared that “Our Lady told me the future of the world …I wrote everything down.”

“From 1981 until 1985 I received the apparitions on a daily basis. During that period Our Lady dictated to me her biography. I wrote everything down. She also told me the future of the world and the future of our Church. When I have permission from Our Lady, this will be published,” she said.

Ivanka recalled: “On the 7th of May, 1985, I had the last daily apparition and that was the longest apparition that I have ever had because Our Lady stayed with me one hour.

“On that day Our Lady gave me the final and tenth secret and I was told that I would not have the apparitions on a daily basis anymore, but Our Lady promised me that she was going to appear to me once a year on June 25.”

Ivanka knew how important it was for people to really believe there is life after death. Thus, she wrote on her experience as follows:

“From 1985 to today I received the apparition once every year on June 25. But at that last daily apparition I was given the greatest gift, not just for myself but for the entire world.

“And because every single human being is asking is there a life after this life on earth, I am standing before you here today, I am standing before the entire world and I can easily answer that question. Yes, there is a life after this life, because by God and Our Lady I was given this great grace, that I was able to see my late mother during that apparition time and my mom told me: ‘My dear child, I’m proud of you.’

“For 28 years Our Lady has been telling us which road we need to take in our life. She is showing us the way and we have to decide which road we are going to take in our life.”

Also in Medjugorje, there is visionary Jakov who also gave us some insights into the spiritual realm. In an interview, he said:

“Conversion is to place God in the very first place in our lives. If we have God then we have everything, then we have answer for everything we are looking for. God will always give us signs what we should do. That means we will know which is the right way to follow, what we have to do. That is conversion. That kind of a conversion Our Lady is asking from us.

“We should ask ourselves if we are converted enough, if conversion so far is pleasing Our Lady. Every day we should thank to God, for every new day because that is a chance for us to be better. I always say to God ‘thank you God for this day, because that is one more chance for me that I become better’”

Jakov also gave some insights into Purgatory, saying:

“I think that they (persons in Purgatory) suffer. Our Lady has been inviting us that we should pray for the souls in purgatory because they are in need of our prayers. Then for certain that they are suffering. But what we can do for them is pray daily for them. Our Lady gave a mission to Marija the visionary that she should pray everyday for the souls in purgatory. So, all of us should pray everyday for the souls in purgatory.”


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