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Meaningful words to students….


WORDS are powerful… Words of wisdom are given by a parent, teacher, friend or even a stranger who just helped us in as simple way as while experiencing hard times. They say that words can change lives so be careful of what we say especially to our students.

Words of encouragement… Students with difficulty in learning inside the room may change their outlook positively. Words such as, “Keep it up!”, “You can do it!”, “Don’t give in!” Regardless of the care and concern that may be behind the words, they are heard differently which will push learners to be inspired and motivated to learn.

Words expressing appreciations… Oftentimes, hardwork and sincere efforts are taken for granted. Students who always get correct answers are always being appreciated on the other hand others will say “tsamba” or it’s just a pure luck for that learner who sometimes got it once in a blue moon. Do you think those words express appreciation? The work seems to be unnoticed. Instead of saying it, why not say “Your work now is good” or “Excellent work!”

Words for correction… Learners usually commit mistakes especially when having recitation. Some teachers admit it or not, they say something which is not good to hear as “are you sure with your answer?” Sometimes, students might be confused with their answers. Use appropriate words to correct.

Words that off er praise… Students love to hear praises. Praises are not being bought, they are free. Be generous in giving praises or compliments to students whether their accomplishment is big or little.

The words we give to our students strike with power.

(Unsolicited contributions here are unedited, unabridged, as is. Errors in grammar, syntax, etc, solely the writer’s. — Editor)


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