Lesser known prophecies for our times


    Modern-day Catholic “prophets” whom I have been quoting through these years have been dying one after the other:

    Louise Starr Tomkiel of the US, Esperanza Binachini of Venezuela, Joey Lomangino also of the US, Ma. Loli Mazon of Spain, etc.

    Yet, some of their major prophecies have not happened yet, particularly the worldwide warning, the great miracle and the chastisement.

    Their deaths, of course, do not dilute their messages that are in the same vein as those coming from their ranks still alive on earth. I have often been nagged about my observation that the signs of the times are with us, although I had thought that many of the recently deceased prophets would live through the fulfilment of their prophecies.

    Sure, we’ve heard of the Warning, Miracle and Chastisement prophecies. But there are other prophecies tied to our times. They’re lesser known, but are also otherwise in the category of the “signs of the times.””

    One of these lesser known prophecies was allegedly from the diary of the late Sr. Lucia, one of the visionaries of Fatima, who, in a vision granted her in 1944, saw the following.

    “I saw and heard: the point of the flame-like lance which detaches, touches the axis of the earth and it [the earth] shakes: mountains, cities, towns and villages with their inhabitants are buried.

    The sea, rivers and clouds leave their bounds, they overflow, flood and drag with them into a whirlpool, houses and people in a number unable to be counted; it is the purification of the world from the sin it is immersed in. Hatred, ambition, cause destructive wars. Afterward I felt in the increased beating of my heart and in my spirit a quiet voice which said: ‘in time, one faith, one baptism, one Church, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic. Heaven in eternity!’”

    Still another lesser known prophecy, which seems to confirm the above vision of Sr. Lucia, is said to have been issued during the approved apparitions of the Blessed Mother in Kibeho in Rwanda, Africa, to visionary Anathalie Mukamazimpaka in another similar vision.

    The words of Anathalie: “I saw mountains crashing into each other, stones coming out of the earth, nearly as if they were angry. I saw storms crashing against each other and fire coming from them. I don’t know what this means. I was told that people are causing this and that it is coming.”

    And now for our staple. Here’s the message of the Blessed Mother in Medjugorje last Aug. 25:

    “Dear children! Pray for my intentions, because satan wants to destroy my plan which I have here and to steal your peace. Therefore, little children, pray, pray, pray that God can act through each of you. May your hearts be open to God’s will. I love you and bless you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

    God bless.


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