Home Featured Article Kapampangan NGO joins first-ever HIV mass testing

Kapampangan NGO joins first-ever HIV mass testing


MABALACAT CITY — The first-ever nationwide community- led free Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) mass testing was attended by a Kapampangan non-government organization to advocate awareness in the dreaded disease.

The Juan Positive Movement (JPM), based in Barangay Lakandula here was among the eight advocacy groups which partnered with Love Yourself, Inc. for the holding of the confi dential HIV testing dubbed as “This Is Me: Brave and Free.”

The said activity primarily aims to raise the public’s knowledge and awareness regarding HIV-AIDS and encourage them to act on it, thereby reducing the stigma and rejection for persons living with HIV (PLHIV).

JPM’s founder, Wayne Baniqued, said the organization was established to create a support system that will help reduce the stigma and help PLHIVs retain their self-esteem, self-worth and self-efficacy.

“By participating in this activity, we want to gather fellow warriors in the advocacy for a stronger and resounding voice to promote self-empowerment in taking care of one’s sexual health as a prelude to curbing the HIV epidemic in the country,” Baniqued said.

He added that with the increasing number of PLHIV, the activity aims to inspire unity in diversity and bring the message of love, acceptance and finding strength and courage to overcome fear which is often associated with HIV and AIDS.

The program was also supported by the Department of Health, Research Institute for Tropical Medicine, Pilipinas Shell Foundation Inc., Save the Children, AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), Philippine NGO Council on Population Health and Welfare, Inc. (PNGOC), Australian Aid (AusAID) Program and HIVOS Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation.



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