Home Opinion Jesus on the Final Resurrection

Jesus on the Final Resurrection


THERE’S A portion of the writings of mystic Maria Valtorta that I like reading over and over. But who would not be interested to know the future? As in events during the Final Resurrection?

Yes, Valtorta was given such vision of an earth already barren, and the sun and stars gone. She saw an episode of all the dead being given flesh anew for the Final Judgement, and how the damned moved to one side and the just to another.

Details on this later, as I would like to share Jesus Christ’s comments after this vision, revolving mostly in the necessity of Purgatory.

Said Jesus: “When time has come to an end and life must need be only Life in the heavens, the whole universe, as you thought, will again be what it was in the beginning. Then, after I have judged, it shall be completely destroyed.

“Many think that from the moment of the end until the universal Judgment there will be only an instant. But God will be good to the very end, O My daughter. Good and just.

“Not all the people living at the last hour will be holy, and not all will be damned. Among the holy ones, there will be those who are destined to Heaven but have something to pay for. I would be unjust if I quashed their expiation which I inflicted on all those who came before them and were in the same condition when they died.

“Therefore, those alive in the last hour and who die at the last hour and who deserve Heaven but need to be cleansed more, will go into the purifying fire. Meanwhile, justice and the end shall come for other planets, and one by one the stars shall die out in the sky like flames on which someone blows, and darkness and cold shall increase, throughout My hours which are your centuries–and the hour of darkness has already begun, in both sky and hearts.

“I will increase the heat of the purifying fire so that the purification may be quicker and the blessed do not wait too long to bring their holy flesh to glorification and delight it too in seeing its God, its Jesus in His perfection and His triumph.

“That is why you (Valtorta) saw the earth bereft of herbs and trees, of animals, people, of life, and the oceans without sails, a still expanse of still waters. Because the waters, no longer called to give life to their fishes, will no longer need motion, just as the earth, no longer called to give life to the grasses and other beings, will no longer need warmth. This is why you saw the sky lacking its luminaries, without fires anymore and without lights anymore. Light and warmth will no longer be necessary to the earth, by then a huge corpse bearing within itself the corpses of all those who lived from Adam to the last son of Adam.

“Death, My last servant on Earth, shall carry out its last task and then it too shall cease to exist. There shall no longer be Death. But only eternal Life. In bliss or in terror. Life in God or life in Satan for your selves reassembled in soul and in body.

“Enough for now. Rest and think of Me.”

Later, Valtorta told her spiritual director as follows:

“I forgot to tell you Father, that all the bodies were naked but it was not disgusting, as though malice were dead too in them and in me. And then the bodies of the damned were shielded by their darkness and the bodies of the blessed were clothed by their light. So, what is animality in us disappeared under the emanation of the inner spirit, a very happy or very desperate master of the flesh.”


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