Home Headlines In keeping with pandemic times No public celebration of 64th anniversary...

In keeping with pandemic times
No public celebration of 64th anniversary of Virgen de los Remedios’ coronation


CITY OF SANFERNANDO This years re-enactment of the canonical coronation of Pampangas patroness will be totally different from the usual celebrations in the past 63 years.

On this its 64th anniversary, the coronation rites themed Virgen de los Remedios, Kayantabe king Pamanintun Lunas, Kasaup king Pamamiya Lingap will be observed with simplicity and austerity. Meaning, the absence of the thousands of the Catholic faithful congregating at open public spaces, at the Capitol grounds in recent years, to attend Mass and the crowning of the image of the Virgen de los Remedios.

In his Circular Letter No. 50, Series of 2020, issued August 11 on the feast of St. Clare of Assisi,Archbishop Florentino Lavarias cited that the most essential things considered for this years celebration are oneness in prayer and our collective expression of solidarity with the poorest among the poor of the archdiocese.

The traditional lamak (offerings in kind) that are part of the Virgen de los Remedios parochial visits will be gathered during novena Masses in all parishes from Aug. 30 to Sept. 7 to be distributed to their poorest members.

Novena Masses will also be celebrated at the Repository Chapel of the Virgen de los Remedios andwill be livestreamed via Facebook, the circular also said.

On the eve of the coronation, Sept. 7, a mañanita will be hosted by the archdiocesan liturgical commission.

In the morning of Sept. 8, Masses will be celebrated in all parishes in commemoration of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. No coronation rites will be held in the parishes though.

The archdiocesan coronation rites will be held at 4 p.m. of the feast day at the main chapel of the Mother of Good Counsel Seminary in the City of San Fernando to be livestreamed on FB and broadcast on 91.9 Bright FM, Radio Veritas, and Radyo Maria.

It is our fervent hope that this years celebration will make us realize that like our Blessed Mother, we are part of the solution to the different social problems faced by our country, and we are Gods instruments in extending brotherly and sisterly care to the most vulnerable members of the Church and the larger society, said Lavarias in his circular.

The veneration of the Virgen de los Remedios paired with the Santo Cristo del Perdon was initiated by the first bishop of San Fernando, the Most Rev. Cesar Maria Guerrero as the Cruzada de Penitencia y Caridad (Crusade of Penance and Charity) in the 1950s in the midst of the social unrest in Pampanga brought about by the Huk rebellion.

Through a papal bull dated July 15, 1956, the Virgen de lost Remedios was given a canonical coronation by Pope Pius XII designating her as the patroness of Pampanga and setting her liturgical feast on Sept. 8.


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