Guiao, grow up


    NOT ONLY is “mongoloid” politically incorrect, it is downright offensive and thus, long ago consigned to disuse.

    So we can only empathise with the Down Syndrome Association of the Philippines, Inc. (DSAPI) for the hurt caused them by the insensitivity of Rain or Shine coach and Pampanga 1st District Rep. Joseller “Yeng” Guiao when he ranted “mongoloid” against Meralco Bolts player Cliff Hodge during a basketball game last week.

    Utterly insensate, most unbecoming of Guiao there, be it as sports figure or public official. Lamented DSAI Chair Antonio Pasia in a statement to media: “This is very painful for parents who are blessed with a child with Down Syndrome, especially (hearing) this term used as an insult to another person.

    Persons with Down Syndrome are one of the most gentle people, and have been the source of pride and joy for so many families who simply love them unconditionally.” For his part, Hodge was quoted as saying: “I was kind of sad that anybody using any type of word to call out somebody else that’s special, it kind of affects everyone.

    You don’t want to really want to make fun of somebody that can’t do anything about it.” It turned out Hodge has a brother afflicted with Down Syndrome. Most damning of Guiao’s absence of compassion, indeed, of in humaneness there.

    The Philippine Basketball Association has since slapped Guiao with a P100,000 fine for this the latest of his infractions in the country’s premier sports league. “We hope that in the future, you will try to refrain from using the “M” word and perhaps join us in one of our many activities so that you can experience the joy these children bring,” Pasia told Guiao.

    We hope differently for Guiao – for him to finally grow up. To be sensitive enough to the feelings of people, especially the marginalized and the special children. And thereby live up to his “honourable” tag, be it in the House or on the court.

    Guiao’s on-court antics – giving the finger to referees whose calls he did not like, walking out of games, engaging in physicalities with players – highlights not only his abject unsportsmanlike behaviour but some brattish immaturity in his
    very character.

    Coach, it’s not asking too much of you to finally grow up. Or is it?


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