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Fraudulent practices


HOW MANY dead, retired, resigned and separated employees are still in the national (all branches) and local government’s payrolls, including the uniformed services, government-owned and -controlled corporations, and constitutional offices? Who are receiving [their pay] on the 15th and 30th [of every month]? Also, their annual and special bonuses, and benefits such as monetized sick and vacation leaves?

How much of the repairs and maintenance budgets are being lost to ghost bills, incomplete services, and padded bills at the national (all branches) and local government levels, including the uniformed services, GOCCs and constitutional offices? Who are benefitting?

How much of the capital outlay budgets are being lost to ghost purchases, padded costs, incomplete deliveries at the national (all branches) and local government levels, including the uniformed services, GOCCs and constitutional offices?

How much is being lost per month, per year? How many percent of the General Appropriations Act, of the gross domestic product? Year, after year, after year.

Society is clueless how anti-corruption is being waged, as to the strategies and objectives, and the cumulative results.

Where are the regained monies being re-directed to?

At a time when national security is at grave risk, corruption should be the first to go because government needs all the money it can spend for human security and national survival.

Do we want to curb corruption?

Do we know how to curb corruption?

Are we sincere in curbing corruption?

We cannot continue being like this.

(Rafael M. Alunan III, former Secretary of the Interior and Local Government)


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