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Effective leadership


POWER, authority and perhaps prestige are usually the words we attach to leadership. Holding a position to mold individuals into a team requires ability to lead and managing and developing people in the organization towards an excellent and ethical achievement of goal and vision of the group. However, the real essence of leadership is sometimes neglected due to strong desire to attain the objective of the organization. Leaders tend to forget that the major underlying principles are the human resources as the major capital. It is an essential component of the organizations strategy for the attainment of goal.

In the educational field, human resources refer the teachers and the school success usually depends on the quality of teachers not on their quantity.

To achieve effective leadership, the head must pay attention to the human resources that should be harmonized with and integrated with the school planning. Effective leadership style should be consultative and participative in nature. It should promote desirable and ethical practices among members (teachers) of the group that lead each one to be proactive and innovative.

In the school, effective leadership starts with school head’s proper mindset that teachers are human specimen that need to be motivated to become participative, facilitative, transformative and dedicated by nurturing their emotional and psychological needs. The school heads must implement school policies that are aligned with teachers need for recognition and appreciation with their efforts to make the student learn. Effective school head makes good teachers and good teachers make student learn.

Bryan S. Amistad
Teacher III
Doña Asuncion Lee
Integrated School

(Unsolicited contributions here are unedited, unabridged, as is. Errors in grammar, syntax, etc, solely the writer’s. — Editor)


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