Home Headlines DOH warns the public of the WILD diseases during the rainy season

DOH warns the public of the WILD diseases during the rainy season


As the rainy season started early this year, the Department of Health Central Luzon Center for Health Development (DOH CLCHD) warns the public as Water and foodborne illnesses, Influenza-like illnesses, Leptospirosis, and Dengue (W.I.L.D.) diseases may possibly spread.

In 2021, the Regional Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (RESU) in Central Luzon reported the following numbers for W.I.L.D. diseases: 498 Water and foodborne illnesses, 7,536 Influenza-like illness, 145 Leptospirosis cases, and 22,012 Dengue cases respectively.

From January 01 to May 07, 2022, the region recorded lower numbers compared to the same period last year for the following: 1,739 Influenza-like illness cases (27%), 26 Leptospirosis cases (51%), 3,360 Dengue cases (64%). However, significant increase is seen for Water and foodborne illnesses as the region reported a total of 320 cases within the same period last year.

The DOH recognizes that W.I.L.D. diseases are public health concerns which can easily be avoided if we practice healthy habits such as maintaining good hygiene and clean environment. The public is highly encouraged to be mindful and consistently practice preventive measures such as drinking clean water, avoiding crowded and unventilated areas, getting vaccinated against the flu, using protective equipment including umbrella, raincoat, and boots when wading in flood water, and discarding stagnant water as this may serve as a good habitat for dengue mosquitoes.

In addition, the health department strongly recommends to heighten the 4S Strategy in every community: Search and destroy mosquito breeding sites; Self-protection measures including use of mosquito repellent, wear long sleeves and pants; Seek early consultation; and Support fogging/spraying only in hotspot areas where increase in cases is registered for two consecutive weeks to prevent an impending outbreak.

“Raising awareness, maintaining cleanliness, activating our barangay officials to implement 4S strategy in every community, and boosting our immune system by eating nutritious food, having enough rest and sleep, and exercising regularly may increase our defense against these seasonal illnesses. Together, let us do our part and protect and save each other from these infectious diseases.” said DOH CLCHD OIC-Director Corazon Flores.



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