Home Featured Article DepEd Region III sets path for 21st century responsible and outstanding teachers

DepEd Region III sets path for 21st century responsible and outstanding teachers


City of San Fernando, Pampanga—A total of 100 selected public school teachers in Central Luzon are set to undergo a flexible learning course which aims to develop and enhance their facilitating skills as Southeast Asian teachers starting this month.

The online course entitled “Gearing up Responsible and Outstanding Teachers in Southeast Asia for the 21st Century or GURO21, a 54-hour self-paced training course which will run from the third week of January until the last week of March, seeks to build the competencies of teachers for them to effectively play their role as learning leaders of the 21st century in a knowledge-based economy.

“The Department of Education Regional Office III initiated this effort in partnership with the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization or SEAMEO Innotech and allotted the registration fees for the 100 teacher recipients coming from the twenty schools division offices in the region,” DepEd Regional Beatriz Torno said.

GURO21, developed based on the Southeast Asian Region-validated Competency Framework for Southeast Asian Teachers of the 21st Century, is a menu of flexible learning courses that aim to address the teachers’ needs in relation to the technological advances and changing educational trends of the 21st century. It is also expected to enhance the teachers’ knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values (KSAVs) on teaching and learning in the new century that they can pass on to their students to help them face the challenges.

The learning process involves use of self-instructional modules, synchronous and asynchronous discussion sessions, provisions for learning support, and face-to-Face or Online Revalida.

Successful course completers will receive an international course certificate from SEAMEO Innotech and at least six (6) units of advance academic credit from SEAMEO Innotech partner universities.


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