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CDC holds food safety training

CLARK FREEPORT – Some 35 representatives from various locators in this Freeport participated in the recent Basic Food Safety Training for Food Handlers conducted by Food Safety and Hygiene Academy of the Philippines (Food SHAP) in cooperation with Clark Development Corporation (CDC) and Center for Asian Culinary Studies- Pampanga (CACS).
According to Food SHAP Vice-President for Training Glenn Hyde Dela Cruz, the training is conducted to provide knowledge on Food Safety and help organizations to conform with the requirements of the government under the Food Safety Act of 2013 which strengthens the food safety regulatory system in the country to protect consumer health and facilitate market access of local foods and food products.
“Food SHAP actually develops the courses to help private establishments to comply with the requirements of the law. So, basically we have the Food Safety Act now where in they are required to be trained on basic food safety and part of the requirement ay yung pagkakaroon ng food safety compliance officer,” Dela Cruz said.
Currently, this Freeport is host to more than 200 restaurants, food concessionaires, canteens, and eateries where CDC requires all food handlers to undergo seminar regarding the proper handling of food and safety, including medical check to assure food handlers are healthy and fit to work in said establishments.
Dela Cruz mentioned that as part of the training, the participants need to pass an examination controlled by the government that will enable the participants to conduct inspection in their respective organizations.
He furthered that the said certificate will be an advantage for the attendees as this is acknowledged and accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) recognized in the United States.


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