Home Featured Article Build Build Build = Jobs Jobs Jobs Caravan in Subic

Build Build Build = Jobs Jobs Jobs Caravan in Subic


Founding chairman of Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) and now Senator Richard J. Gordon, (front row R-L) SBMA Chairperson/Administrator Wilma T. Eisma, Labor Secretary Silvestre H. Bello III, Public Works and Highways Secretary Mark A. Villar, BCDA President and CEO Vivencio B. Dizon, Transportation Chief of Staff and OIC-Undersecretary for Administrative Service Artemio Tuazon, Jr., Trade and Industry Undersecretary for Competitiveness and Ease of Doing Business Group (CEODBG) Atty. Rowel S. Barba, and Clark Development Corporation President and CEO Noel F. Manankil lead the second Build Build Build = Jobs Jobs Jobs Caravan held in Subic on February 9, 2019. Over 4,000 applicants flocked to the job fair organized for the affected workers of Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction Philippines.

JOB CREATION. More than 4,000 applicants flocked to the recently concluded Build Build Build = Jobs Jobs Jobs caravan held 09 February 2019 at the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) Gymnasium in Zambales. The Build Build Build, a massive infrastructure program of the Duterte administration, is envisioned to improve and modernize infrastructure, create jobs, and develop economies outside the capital region.

OPPORTUNITIES OPENED FOR HANJIN WORKERS. During the 2nd Build Build Build = Jobs Jobs Jobs Caravan in Subic, SBMA Chairperson/Administrator Atty. Wilma T. Eisma, said that the job fair assures reemployment of the displaced Hanjin workers. She added that the collaborative efforts between the government and the private sector is important in keeping their local workforce active to sustain the economic growth of Central Luzon, and the rest of the country. Further, the support they are getting can positively impact the progress of the zone and its nearby communities. Over 4,000 jobseekers flocked to the the said job fair held February 9, 2019 at the Subic Gymnasium. At least 60 percent of applicants were from Hanjin. To date, around 30,000 jobs are available for grabs for qualified applicants, which may be viewed at www.build.gov.ph/jobs.



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