Boking boosts health care services

    MABALACAT, Pamp. – Mayor Marino “Boking” Morales has boosted health care service in this town, prioritizing public hospitals at resettlement centers.

    Morales on Tuesday personally handed over P15,000 to Dapdap Barangay Captain Javier Taruc for the health station at the Madapdap Resettlement Center (MRC).

    “It’s an entity created by Taruc to immediately give medical care to his people. We are supporting it all the way,” said Morales. The mayor disclosed that he will give P15,000 monthly to the MRC’s health station.

    Morales also sponsored the on-going free circumcision project at the MRC. In the past three days, some 500 young boys had benefited from the annual project.   

    Morales said he will do the same project in nearby Barangay Camachiles. He disclosed that Camachiles Barangay Captain Jessie Duran had asked him to sponsor the circumcision project in their barangay. 

    Morales announced the establishment of the Mayor Miguel Morales birthing station at the rural health unit at MRC. The late Mabalacat mayor is the grandfather of Mayor Morales.

     “The MRC and the other resettlement centers in town are quite far from the town proper and hospitals. We must bring valuable health service closer to them,” said Morales. 

    David Santos, a resident of MRC, said Morales had “hit the mark” in improving health care service at resettlement centers. He added that they could hardly make both end meet in these hard times and spending for one’s health would make it more difficult for them.


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