BFAR notes spike in toxicity of Bataan shellfish, ban still on


    CITY OF SAN FERNANDO — The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) reiterated yesterday its warning against the harvesting and eating of shellfish from Bataan amid yet another laboratory study indicating
    red tide levels off Bataan shores have remained toxic.

    BFAR said latest laboratory results on shellfish samples taken from the waters of Mariveles, Limay, Orion, Pilar, Abucay, Samal , Orani and Balanga indicated high levels of red tide migroorganisms. The latest red tide ban in these areas was raised in the first week of this month.

    It stressed that the ban also includes transporting of shellfish from the affected areas. BFAR Central Luzon information officer Lanie Lamyong said the samples were found way above the tolerable limit of 60 milligrams Saxo-Toxin (STx) per 100 mg. of shellfi sh meat.

    Latest studies indicated an average of 265 mg STx in the shellfish meat. Lamyong said, however, that fish, squid, shrimp and crabs from the affected areas are safe for human consumption for as long as they are fresh and thoroughly washed before cooking.

    She also advised the removal and cleaning of innards of fishes before cooking. Green mussels or tahong, lukan, talaba, and other shellfi sh are plentiful in the plagued areas


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