Bataan bishop favors Duterte accepting Trump’s invite

    BALANGA CITY—The Catholic bishop of Bataan said on Wednesday that he favors President Rodrigo Duterte accepting the invitation of President Donald Trump for a state visit to America.

    “It is better and beneficial for Filipinos that our President honors the invitation,” Bishop Ruperto Santos of the Diocese of Balanga said.

    The prelate considered the visit of Duterte as a personal and privileged opportunity to appeal in behalf of Filipino immigrants for leniency and fair treatment as regards to their status.

    The new American President has issued a hardline immigration policy.

    “President Duterte can manifest to the United States government through President Trump that Filipinos living and working there are peace loving people, hardworking and trust worthy and contributing much for the greatness and prosperity of America,” Santos said.

    The visit will also be a rare chance for the Presidents of two countries to renew ties being allies and reliable friends during World War II, the bishop said.

    Santos is chair of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines – Episcopal Commission on the Care of Migrants and itinerant People.


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