Home Opinion A generous hand will always have plenty

A generous hand will always have plenty


MY MOTHER used to say that a generous hand will always have plenty. I did not understand what she meant the first time I heard it, as I was only five years old then. Nevertheless, it stuck in my mind.

Every Christmas Eve, my handsome Lolo Memeng – a cardiologist known as Dr. Roman Palma – invited hundreds of children from different barangays in his huge beautiful home in Concepcion, Tarlac.

He fed them well, played magician to these enthusiastic awed crowd, and at the end of the event, he asked each one to come to his table to grab as many coins as they wanted. It was kind of tough, for the coins were laid out in a glass top table. The sound of joy, thrill, and laughter of the kids overwhelmingly delighted me. I told myself someday when I grow up, I will continue Lolo Memeng’s tradition. And so, it came to pass. I’ve been gratefully doing the same for 17 years now. The only difference, I cannot perform magic, like my Lolo Memeng.

Looking back, my mama’s teaching about giving I now well perfectly understood. Kindness and compassion are embedded in all of us. May we all be reminded that the only way we can truly live a purposeful life is by helping those who cannot pay us back, and those who cannot help themselves.

May the spirit of Christmas that brings out joy, generosity, kindness, and peace stay with you in every single breath that you take.



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