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Elementary school children and abuse


THE ELEMENTARY years brings a child’s personality and proper behavior. School children are still young and immature. As they grow older, they start to develop physically, socially, also their critical-thinking skills, and know already their self-identity.

As a child grows into their tweens, they’ll start to discover fashion; trends, tags or expressions, some imitate others from these they become more susceptible to social scorn. But as they developed socially, they are being influenced by pop culture and outside social influence. In this time of their life, they face much more potential harm from the various types of abuse.

What if a grade-four child was harassed by his stepfather? A grade-five boy was asked to sell drugs? A gradesix girl got pregnant?

These abuses will not happen if kids will be given plenty of support and guidance to develop emotional intelligence.

As elementary school teacher, our main role is not just to educate the child mentally but holistically and globally competitive.

(Unsolicited contributions here are unedited, unabridged, as is. Errors in grammar, syntax, etc, solely the writer’s. — Editor)


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