Cruz cries harassment

    ANGELES CITY – “This is plain and simple harassment!”

    This was how Pinoy Gumising Ka Movement (PGKM) Chair Ruperto Cruz described the serving of a notice of violation issued to him by the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) only hours after the multi-sectoral group staged a rally protesting the pollution caused by erring piggery and poultry farms here and in Porac town.

    Regional Director Lormelyn E. Claudio of the EMB, a line bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), said Cruz failed to comply with the conditions found in his Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) for the operation of the Royal Garden Golf and Country Club.

    But Cruz lashed at Claudio saying “If the EMB means business then they should address the concerns raised by the PGKM by finding solutions to the pollution problems that have threatened the lives of Porac and Angeles City residents.”

    “Instead, the EMB resorted to fault finding. Harassing me with purported violations still does not change the fact that they have failed in their duty to protect the environment,” Cruz said.

    Last Sept. 22, the PGKM led a massive rally protesting the foul stench emanating from poultry and piggery farms here and in Porac town, which plagued residential communities for decades.

    During the rally held in front of the Porac municipal hall, the protesters – mostly residents of the town, heckled and booed Claudio while she explained what her agency had done to address their concerns.

    Midway in her speech an apparently irked Claudio retorted: “Pumunta ako dito bilang tao kaya huwag ninyo sana akong bastusin.”

    After the rally, Cruz said around 4 p.m. he received the notice of violation, which warned him that his ECC shall be cancelled if he failed to produce permits required by the EMB.

    But Cruz assured that he has all the necessary permits being required by the EMB.

    “I have all the necessary permits and I can produce them before the EMB. But I am challenging [Director] Claudio to show me first if other nearby golf courses have the same permits which she claims I do not have,” Cruz said, referring to the Fontana Golf Course, Mimosa Golf and Country Club, Mequeni Golf Course – all found inside the Clark Freeport, Hidden Vale Sports Club in Angeles City, and another golf course in Capas town in the province of Tarlac.

    In the eight years since the PGKM had launched its advocacy against erring piggery and poultry operators, four residents have died due to respiratory illnesses while another four anti-pollution advocates have likewise, passed away, Cruz said.

    Weeks before the rally, Cruz had called for the abolition of the EMB and lashed at Claudio saying that for the past seven years the agency has failed to address pollution problems caused by piggery and poultry farms in Angeles City and Porac town.

    “Walang nagbago,” Cruz said, adding that the EMB’s policies “run contrary to President Benigno Aquino III’s ‘pagbabago’ administration.”

    The PGKM, Cruz said, has held countless dialogue with the EMB for the past seven years. He also criticized the agency saying it “has no intention on their part to submit the requested list of piggery and poultry farms that have complied with biodigester and waste water treatment facilities.”

    “The PGKM has been wondering that despite the flak thrown at the EMB, Claudio has not acted on the problem. Could she be on the take from these piggery and poultry farms?” Cruz asked.


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