Clark airport’s HR coerced

    ANGELES CITY – Councilor Jay Sangil has denounced Clark International Airport Corp. (CIAC) Victor Jose Luciano for allegedly coercing Human Resource manager Marie Tessibeth T. Cordova.

    “This is unbecoming of him who is trying to coerced airport employees just to save his neck,” Sangil said in a phone interview.

    This after Cordova did not sign Luciano’s petition letter for his retention as CIAC president and chief executive officer.

    “Why have you HR people not been signing the petition for my retention?” Luciano was quoted as saying in a letter of Cordova dated July 26 emailed to Sangil.

    However, Cordova answered Luciano saying that the HR department should maintain a neutral position on the matter.

    But Luciano answered back: “You cannto be neutral. This is management. Either you are for it or against it. You are not independent. You tell joyce.”

    Earlier, hundreds of Clark airport employees have signed a petition urging President Noynoy Aquino to retain Luciano as president of CIAC.

    As of presstime, Luciano cannot be reached for comments.


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