Home Headlines 5,000 trees endangered DENR greenlights tree-cutting along Bataan highway

5,000 trees endangered
DENR greenlights tree-cutting along Bataan highway


ORION, BataanThe community environment and natural resources office (CENRO) in Dinalupihan, Bataan has issued a permit for the cutting of trees along the Roman Expressway here.

A large signboard in the area where some big trees still stand showed that to be affected are 487 trees. A few meters away were newly-felled trees.

The permit was approved last Jan
. 28, 2020 and released Jan. 31 of the same year.

The remaining trees are numbered either to be cut or allegedly to be earth-balled.

CENRO which is under the Department of Environment and Natural Resources issued the permit to Region 3 director of the Department of Public Works and Highway for the roadwidening project.

Report showed that the long stretch of the expressway from Hermosa to Orani, Samal, Abucay, Balanga City, Pilar, Orion, Limay, and Mariveles is to be widened from four lanes to six lanes.

Reportedly to be affected in the project, many already cut or allegedly earth-balled, are more than 5,000 trees.

Some portions of the highway were already turned into six lanes and the trees that used to line up along the highway are no longer there.

Construction of drainage canals and bridges are rushed for the widening program.

Roman Expressway is the main thoroughfare for big vehicles like fuel tankers, 10-wheeler trucks and dump trucks hauling materials to and from factories in Limay and the Freeport Area of Bataan.

The widening program reportedly was aimed at easing traffic in the area and in preparations for the BataanCorregidorCavite Road along Manila Bay.




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