Home Headlines Youth groups launch coastal cleanup in Bataan

Youth groups launch coastal cleanup in Bataan

Celebrating World Ocean’s Day constructively. Contribute photo

LIMAY, Bataan — Members of two youth organizations in the province launched Wednesday a coastal cleanup in a village here as part of their commemoration of World Ocean’s Day while creating awareness among communities.

The participants in the cleanup drive in Barangay Lamao are members of the Young Bataeños for Environmental Advocacy Network (Young BEAN) and Youth for Nationalism and Democracy (YND).

The two groups are very active in environmental concerns in the province like in the “coal-free and nuclear-free Bataan” movements.

“The coastal cleanup is part of the continuing effort of our group to create awareness among the young people and communities to protect the oceans from destruction due to pollution caused by plastics and dirty industries like coal,” Young BEAN spokesperson Jochelle Magracia said.

They appealed also to government to implement measures in protecting the oceans and the seas.

“We call upon the government to prioritize the welfare of the oceans rather than the businesses that worsen the destruction of our seas and marine resources for future generation,” YND president Jeff Reyes appealed.


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