Early morning mishap, triggers traffic build-up


    CLARK FREEPORT – A vehicular accident that killed a worker here created monstrous inbound traffic along the major Roxas Highway at about 7:30 a.m. here yesterday, after a motorcycle rider got pinned down by a jeepney he tried to overtake.

    The Clark Development Corp. (CDC) security and fire department said the victim identified as Ian Castro, of Barangay Talimundok in Mabalacat City, died on the spot. The victim was on his way to work at GK Tek firm here when the accident happened.

    CDC traffic probers said the victim tried to overtake another vehicle on the outer lane, but he was hit by an XLT-type jeepney loaded with passengers on the inner lane of Roxas Highway.

    The jeepney driver, identified as Maynard Bonega of Barangay Calzadang Bayu in Porac, Pampanga, and his passengers were unhurt.

    Responding CDC policemen found the victim still pinned under the right wheel of the jeepney. Witnesses said it took several minutes for the jeepney to be lifted by a machine so as to free the victim who, however, was already pronounced dead by a CDC physician.

    CDC security authorities said the driver was charged with homicide and that probers are looking into reports he was overspeeding. The maximum speed limit at Clark is 80 kilometers per hour.


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