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Work-related CoViD-19 positive workers may reimburse medical expenses under the EC Program  


Workers who contracted CoViD-19 because of work or their working environment may avail reimbursement of medical expenses based on their out-of-pocket expenses under the Employees’ Compensation Program (ECP).

“The CoViD-19 pandemic has significantly affected the country as we see continuous increases in the number of cases every day. Many of those who got infected by the virus are workers who are now faced with financial burdens, on top of their health problems. The Employees’ Compensation Commission through its EC program is extending every assistance to minimize the financial burden they are experiencing,” ECC Executive Director Stella Zipagan-Banawis said.

CoViD-19 is now listed under the Employees’ Compensation Commission’s (ECC) list of compensable disease through the issuance of Board Resolution No. 21-04-14 in April of this year. Through the ECP, CoViD-19 positive workers may avail disability benefits which is at a maximum amount of Php 480 for the private sector workers and Php 200 for the public sector workers.

On top of the disability benefits, the ECC provides medical benefits to workers who suffer from work-connected sickness, injury, or death. EC medical benefits include reimbursement of the cost of medicines, payment to providers of medical care and hospital care. Workers who have approved EC sickness claim are entitled to the medical reimbursement for their out-of-pocket expenses after the deduction of their PhilHealth and/or HMO benefits.

Workers who tested positive of CoViD-19 may file their EC claims and medical reimbursement in the Social Security System (SSS) for the private sector and in the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) for the public sector. The SSS and GSIS are ECC’s administering agencies for the processing of EC claims.

The Commission also grants death with funeral benefits.

Upon approval of EC claim from the SSS or GSIS, ECC provides cash assistance worth Php 10,000 for disability or sickness claim and Php 15,000 for death claim.

In 2020, the ECC granted Php 1.27 billion in benefits to more than 192,000 claimants, and passed six policy issuances in response to the covid19 pandemic and towards the improvement of the EC Program.

“Despite the limitations brought by the pandemic, the ECC strives to stay true to its commitment to the Filipino workers of providing them with assistance in the event of work-related contingency. Now, more than ever, our role as a social insurance institution is vital and so, we remain steadfast in our duty and continue to work hard to improve our benefits and services,” Banawis said.

The Commission also calls on the public to protect themselves against the virus and help in lessening its transmission by wearing face masks, practicing physical distancing, proper hand hygiene, and avoiding gatherings.


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